2 Month Old Human Embryo
By the end of the second month, the ‘embryo’, now a called a ‘fetus’, is about 2.54cm (one inch) long, weighs about 9.45g (1/3 ounce). Nearly one-third of fetus is now made up of its head.
Big changes are happening to little embryo at this stage. It is starting to develop a clavicle and parts of the vertebral column. The neural tube – the source for the development of the nervous system is also formed at this age along with the spine and skull. By about week 6, the arm buds sprout and the lower limbs follow suit. The tadpole-like tail (tail bud) that had initially grown, starts to shrink at this stage and will eventually disappear, leaving behind the tailbone, i.e., the coccyx at the base of the spine.
An embryo is the early stage of development of a multicellular organism. Embryonic development is the part of the life cycle that begins just after fertilization and continues through the formation of body structures, such as tissues and organs, i.e., from conception to eighth week of development. After the eighth week of development, it is called the fetus until birth.
After the eighth week of development, the embryo is called the “fetus” until birth.
The clavicle, or collarbone, is a slender, S-shaped long bone approximately 6 inches (15 cm) long that serves as a connecting link between the scapula and the sternum (breastbone). There are two clavicles, one on the left and one on the right. It is the only long bone in the body that is horizontally placed
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