Insula (Island of Reil)
This is a specimen of the superolateral surface of the left cerebral hemisphere wherein the insula is exposed. We can also identify the middle cerebral artery in this specimen.
The insula also called the insular lobe or island of Reil is the submerged (hidden) portion of the cerebral cortex in the floor of the lateral sulcus. It is typically concealed within the Sylvian fissure (lateral fissure). It has been submerged from the surface during development of brain due to the overgrowth of the surrounding cortical areas. In the horizontal section, it is located lateral to the extreme capsule, a band of white matter separating the insula from the claustrum.
Middle cerebral artery:
The middle cerebral artery is the larger terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It supplies most of the superolateral surface of the cerebrum
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